Farm and Ranch Land

12 miles from Lake Ivie
5 lots at crossroads of Highways
rozell.JPG (12431 bytes)765 and 2134 in Millersview,
28 X 30’ frame building with metal roof, 2-car carport with metal roof.
Lots 14-18.
The fuel tanks have been removed and the ground certified.
There was a well on the NE corner, but it has filled in.
The BBQ trailer there does not go with the property.
Taxes on lot 14 are $1.88 Taxes on lots 15-18 are $145.68


2 Miles East of Millersview, TX in Concho County 
10 miles S. of Lake Ivie
170 Acres @
BarkerN.jpg (12888 bytes)
91 acres in cultivation; 
79 acres grassland
water well with submersible pump
20’ X 5’ reservoir
8’ X 40’ storage container; good fences
50% of mineral interest with executive rights
Taxes: $268/year
Excellent Hunting; deer, quail, dove, turkey
County Road on East and South edges; .5 mi. from pavement
Terms: Negotiable

Ranch Land
628 Acres at $605/acre
2 miles East of Millersview, TX in Concho County and10 miles S. of Lake Ivie
253 acres in cultivation 375 in grassland
Owner Will Divide
2 wells, one with windmill, one with submersible pump
ranch_626.JPG (90360 bytes)30’ X 5’ concrete reservoir
1 set corrals, fenced, electricity
25% of mineral interest with executive rights
Taxes: $1,168/year
Excellent Hunting: deer, quail, dove, turkey.
East borders on a county road; 
.5 mi. from pavement

Terms: Negotiable  

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